
#website #brand #video

While the URL might not exactly roll off the tongue, the new Travelodge careers website certainly has candidates salivating. Working in close partnership with Eploy their ATS provider, we created a website that combined form and function. It catered for different types of job hunters, re-positioned Travelodge as a place to build a career and more than tripled visitors and applications in less than 3 months. All that on a tight budget.

There was a big ‘one team’ mentality right from the start of this project, all partners working towards the same end goal. And it shows. Travelodge brought their knowledge of their employer brand, and of the people they wanted to target. CA3 creative, design, writing and UX. And Eploy, clever functionality and a fabulous candidate experience. When you combine all those things together, the end product is always going to be something special.

The whole site went through multiple stages of prototyping, testing user experience, layout and navigation. Then, with input from the Travelodge brand team, we crafted a website and content that complements their consumer site, but is 100% dedicated to careers. And that was the big goal for Travelodge (other than reinforcing their direct sourcing strategy) – to position Travelodge as a place to build a career, not just apply for a job.

This was achieved by filling the site with content that brought the business and development opportunities to life, as well as some hard work behind the scenes by Travelodge to simplify and map out their career paths page . Nowhere is this more visible than on the career paths page where candidates can meet and explore 29 different people’s careers.

Add to that a geolocated, map-based job search, a quick application process (using social media) and HTML emails to drive candidates back to relevant job-related content after applications and you can see why the site’s been so successful. Visitors have increased from 37,558 to 809,380 (that’s an OMG 2055% increase) and page views from 171,667 to 3,613,731 (Almost as OMG 2005% increase). Time on site is pretty awesome too, increasing from 1min 28 seconds to 4 min 6 seconds. And, as you’d expect from such a game-changing site, it also picked up awards too - Best Website a the Recruitment Marketing Awards and Best Online Candidate Experience at the OnRec awards. Whoop!